Sunday, September 21, 2014

The MAN Project Part 2: Surround me

The AD was placed and I closed my laptop and climbed in bed.
 I have tallied the replies and placed them into categories.

My AD received a total of 63 replies (Not including the 3 I have received this morning.)
Out of the 63 replies:

9 of them were looking for long term relationships (GAG ME) and were deleted.
10 of them asked me for pictures of my Vagina and were deleted.
28 had horrible Type-o's in them or were boring and were deleted.
7 included pictures of men who were butt faced and were deleted.
1 was just a picture of an ugly cock and was (laughed at) and deleted
3 were ANGRY:

Re: Aint nobody got time for this!

So you jst want to find somebdy that you will nt have time for? That is FUKT up!

Re: Aint nobody got time for this!


Re: Aint nobody got time for this!

You are too bossy. The only reason I am even wrting is because you used the word "whilst" and it remnds me of good writing.

1 was just sooooo (too) NICE

Your ad was so humorous and you have to give me tips on how u do the 2 miles daily, wow!  Is that on the treadmill or just plain walking? Lol @ 3 second plank. I was actually up to 1 minute planks 5-7 times once upon a time... Now, I am trying to get back into working out again after a long hiatus. 

You seem like such a good writer, are you a teacher, in IT, or CEO of a startup who takes up these projects from time to time?  What is your profession?

The "mannerism" you displayed on the ad was very welcoming, tactful, and charming. A beautiful way to entice readers to write back. 

What types of things do you like to read?  Seems to me you're a researcher like myself. You probably quote and give your references too (I am the same way). 

What movies on netflix do you like watching?  I can easily see you watching the hits from the 40s-60s with the likes of Cary Grant and Katherine Hepburn in those stunning black & white movies of yesteryear. 

How old are your young ones?  You seem so mature for being 37!   You have a good head on your shoulders and I am sure a lot of people admire and love your enthusiasm for life. 

Have a superb night and sweet dreams!

1 thought I was a fan of someone and was ganking their words:

Let me guess: you're an Armstrong and Getty fan?
To which I replied....
Ummm. I have no idea who Armstrong and ghetti are, although I bet I could google them! *wink
.....and he replied.....
That cannot be. You've quoted Sweet Brown: the only ones repeating her message are Armstrong and Getty. You made reference to people so fat they don’t tie their shoes; that's straight from Vincent Nicolas's mouth. I'll bet that someone has had their radio show playing in the background. Either that or you have some extraordinary powers.
You could Google them but you'd have to be a listener to enjoy their humor and sarcasm.

Uuuuum Ooookay? I didn't re-reply. Obviously I have extraordinary powers of stealing sweet browns words. Whomever the fuck that is.
3 were reply worthy and were replied to.
The first guy was an older man who looked fun. I thought "We could hang out!" Please remember I was NOT looking to DATE. Just meet someone fun. Within a week he perved me and got a scathing reply (and deletion.)
The 2nd man was funny, happily married (so he couldn't perv me) and I enjoyed his conversation for a day. Then I was bored.
The 3rd man was HILARIOUS. I would share his email, but I feel like that would be wrong in someway. Suffice it to say, his response was well written, intelligent and interesting. BINGO. Level 1
Let me take a moment to explain my LEVEL process. Every women has one. We just call it different names.... and as for me No one really ever passes.
You see, my step process is hair triggered. It has a boobie trap or too built in. Men always get caught up on it. Because that is the way it has been designed.
SOME times it is something that my LEVELS have not been prepped for.
Back when I did date,  (and I use the word date loosely) I was enjoying my time with a funny, intelligent man and theeeeeeeen I found out he shaved his armpits.
.....It was like the whole system shut down, second by second. I could hear alarms sounding and brain waves mis-firing. As I slowly backed away with a sickened smile.
Shaved armpits?
Negative Ghostrider.
But back to the funny guy.
We spent a week texting back and forth and talking on the phone and after numerous declines of coffee, I finally decided to go ahead and have a "Meeting" (Not date) with him.

It is funny how well two people can vibe until they meet in real life, and as I sat across from this incredibly attractive man a few things happened that let me know that all along and in ALL of my thought processes, I was Correct.  (WHAT was I correct about?.....You'll see.)

What went wrong? Let's see...

#1. My dykes

Everyone knows that I am incredibly passionate about the GAYS. SO passionate in fact, that a lot of people think that I am a lesbian. I am not, but I have been called a lot worse things in my day so whatevs.
As we were sitting there, trying to come up with things to fill the awkward silence he brought up this subject.

"So, you have mentioned the Gays. I assume you have thoughts on this. Elaborate."

I sat there and smiled. It was like looking up at an unmovable mountain, someone who was old and set in their ways. "Yes. I am very passionate about Gay and Lesbian rights."

"Oh yeah?" he smirked

"Yeaaahhhhhhh...." My word trailed off into the same sound that the grudge makes. Simply because I didn't want to let him into my rainbow world of happiness.

Awkward silence.

"Well that's cool. You know..."

"Uh yeah. My Best friends are Lesbians, so yeah. I am kinda involved there."

"Oh yeah? Do they make out all of the time?"

"Um. Sure, about as often as anyone who has been together for 18 years does."

I let that subject fall off of the table. He was one of those people. The kind that I cant stand, who think that Gay people fuck other gay people all over the place. Like they are any different from every other person in the fucking world.
OHMYGOD...NOTHING pisses me off more.

A little later he asked if we could do an activity together.

"Suuuure?" I responded. Not overly excited

"We could do the put put golf, go to the movies, or hey! I could rent a scary movie and bring it over. You could invite the Dykes!"

I gasped. "YOU cant say that."


While laughing at something that he had said He leaned back, winked at me and said "Shhh!"

Now lets take a moment shall we? NOBODY shushes me. ALSO....I have a temper. One that is quick to flair and this guy just found my bitch button.

I took a moment to calm myself. I bit my lip, leaned forward over my clasped hands and narrowed my eyes  "I don't care how tall you are, or how many muscles you have. Shush me again motherfucker, and I will bring you to your knees."

He sat back against the chair and smiled at me "God damn I am turned on!" He muttered

I however, had be irrevocably turned off.


While showing him a picture on my phone he could see a preview of the next one below.
"Who is that?"

"That is Rick."

"Huh." He took a drink of his soda and gave me a look.


"Rick huh? You have talked about him before."

"Probably because he is my friend....And?"

"Nothing. Just hmm. I think there is something there." He smirked and pointed at me and then back at the phone.

I looked at the picture again and put it in front of his face "There is. His WIFE, who is sitting right next to him in the picture!"

I sat my phone down and pushed back my coffee cup. "I am tired." I declared.
This meeting was over.

We said goodbye, he claimed his kiss that he had warned me he would get and I drove away.
I sang all the way home at the top of my lungs. Happiness bubbled in my chest.

And this is where I explain how I was right all along.

I most certainly AM happy in my life with my network of loved ones, I have people that I spend each and every day with that tease me, compliment me and tell me if I am a complete and utter asshole. We laugh together, talk shit with one another and when fucked up shit happens, we catch each other.

That is life. It is love and it surrounds me.


Friday, September 19, 2014

The MAN Project PART 1 ( The "Rick" and I. )

I was on the phone with a friend and I was rolling my eyes and plugging my nose.

If you have ever in your life been annoyed at someone I highly recommend that you do this, Because when you plug your nose, you simply CANNOT sigh. And while listening to my friend go on and on about how SWEET her boyfriend was, I wanted to sigh so deep and so loud that it would completely obliterate my sigh tank.

"Ohhhh he was so sweet! He paid the car payment for me!"

I wanted to scream "What do you mean FOR you, don't you BOTH work? Don't you BOTH share the same bank account?"

But I didn't. Instead I plugged my nose and sought out Rick.

"I need to ask you a question, and I want you to be honest with me."


"I want you to tell me if I am an asshole."

"Okaaay, what's up?"

I had come to the VERY best person to ask about assholes.
Specifically... My being one and if I needed to stop doing so.

My friend Rick sat across the table from me as I annoyingly swung my foot back and forth.
Who is Rick you ask? Well he is a dick, But he is an honest one and he dresses like a champ.

You see I had come to the conclusion as of late, that I was being a hateful bitch to a certain 'group' of people.(Couples)

OOOOH They gross me out!  
UUUUUH They get on my nerves!

I have found myself  while listening to conversations involving husbands with rolling my eyes, and at the same time I could feel my throat gag reflex...well...FLEX.

I needed an intervention, or at the very least what I needed was Rick. To fill me with the truth.

A conversation had taken place that day, and I needed to retell it, Explain my feelings and seek the TRUTH about my asshole-ness.

After re-telling the story, he looked at me as if he were waiting for the punch line.

"Ooooookay?"  (SIDENOTE: Rick says OK a lot, but never when it is profitable for me)

"Well I was annoyed! It was annoying to me!" I exclaimed


"Because it is stupid."

"Well, YOU may think it is stupid, but she does not."

"Okay. SO I am an asshole right?"

"Well." He leaned back in his chair and tried to find the words to use. "I can understand your feelings but I can understand why she was happy about it too."

I nodded.
I had my verdict.
I am an asshole.

"I worry that I am jaded." I confess

His lips purse and he shrugs "Maybe a little."

I thank him with sincerity and begin to think. I am worried about things.

#1. I worry about my daughter. There is rarely a day that I will NOT make a comment about how useless men are. This is not fair. I want her to have her ridiculous romantic dreams about love. (as long as she realizes that she does not need saving or rescuing,)

#2. I have sort of made my own complex network for replacing a man in my life. I shall explain:
When I need to be saved or be taken care of I go to Mandy.
When I need to laugh or whine I go to Brandee.
When I need to fight, smell a man or hear about what an asshole I am, I go to Rick.
When I need to express myself I go to my blog.
When I need most anything else I go to any number of friends.
And finally when I need sex, well I can handle that like a BOSS.

I wonder if I am actually completely happy. Can I be so complete on my own? I FEEL like I am. But am I really?

I shall do a test. I shall write an AD, place it out into the world and call it ME BEING OPEN to allowing someone the distinct honor of my attention and THEN I shall blog about it.

My Ad was as follows:


Who has time to date? Or go out hunting in a club like a wild lioness trying like mad to squint through the darkness and read peoples intentions. Not I.

Is that what people do still? Go out to clubs, searching for Mr.Right quick? I don't know, and I am certainly not trying to find a soul mate, or a one night stand.
(Soul mate searching would take too much of my time, and I value my vagina too much to just fling it at random men.)

So why am I here? Hmmm. Perhaps I will find someone new and exciting to meet or text throughout the day.

About me:
I am a 37 year old woman (vagina included) who is fat. I am not a gargantuan whale, or even slightly whale-ish. Meaning I can tie my own shoes, and I do not have rolls on my knees. I am not one of those lazy fat people either. I walk 2 miles a day and even held a 3 second plank the other evening.

I am fairly attractive and have my own home. I even manage to sort of keep up on it during working hours.

I am educated and love my career immensely.

A great night to me is catching up on reading whilst sprawled in my bed. Or net flicks....Oh I enjoy a good movie.
I enjoy an alcoholic beverage from time to time, however I can also do without it.

I do not use drugs, and am horrifically opposed to the use of them. Especially Meth, but if an undead skeleton is your thing...then to each his own.

I can honestly tell you that I have no desire to be in a relationship, that I have minimal time for you and that I will always spend time with my children over you. If that is your thing hit reply.

I honestly did not think I would get many replies. But it did......

Part 2 coming soon.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Poop Enchilada.

Yesterday Nico was ratted on for calling someone a "Poop enchilada".
I had to hide my face behind a bucket of Legos so as to appear stern and adult-ish.

The child who told looked at me with disdain. (Children, while small and fartish understand when you are laughing behind objects.)

Nico sees that he has been snitched on and wanders over. The following conversation occurs:

Nico:  "Look....Can we talk?"

Me: "Shoot"

Nico " Okay I did say that. I did."

Me: "Thank you for being honest with me, What did you say Nico?"

Nico: "Well. I called him a poop enchilada"

Me (covering my face with a bucket of legos again.)

Nico: *smiling "It is funny right?"

Me: "You know what NICO....."

And then I didn't know what to say. Because YES. It was fucking hilarious that he thought it was necessary to call him an ENTIRE poop enchilada. I mean...that is creative....and I cannot lie to him... BUT Nico has poop Tourette's and everyone loves telling on him.

I am at an impasse, So instead I ignore his question....

Me: "Does your daddy want you to say poop?"

Nico: "No."

Me: "Can you tell me what made you mad enough to describe him as layers and layers of poop with cheese on top?"

Nico: "Yes. I had a whole town built and he came over and ruined it. It made me mad at him so I called him a poop enchilada."

While he says that he smiles, because he likes the sound of it in his ears.

Me: "NICO!" 

I call the child over who snitched. "Okay Nico, I can understand you being upset, Now use better words"

Nico: "I don't like that you ruined my building, how sad, rude rat!"

They walked away to play together once again and I sat at the Lego table and looked to my left. "That just happened. I just spent 10 minutes of my day negotiating poop enchiladas."

The child shrugged and smiled "It was funny."

And then I sighed with my entire body, because yes. It was.