Monday, February 7, 2011

Tales of a day..1

I wish I didn't have to wash pee sheets, like ONCE a week. Just ONE day that someone doesn't pee their bed, and I would be a happy teacher.

My hands are covered in gloves. "Uh...Miss.Beanie...I'm SOAKED."

*sigh* "It's okay...Here's some clothes." I take the bed strip the sheet and disinfect, while I hear behind me "I'M WET!"

I wanna bite all the bed pee'ers...maybe then they would be too terrified to pee, but alas....That would get me fired.

I had a child tell his mom "Miss.Beanie won't let me pee. THAT'S why I pee the bed."

I wanted to shank him. SHANK his little body. "Um...Your child can pee whenever he likes, the door is open AND he pee's at least 5 times between lunch and nap. Your child is a liarpants, he should be punished."


I had to tell a child today "STOP saying 'In the butt in the butt in the butt' please before I call child welfare on your parents." (WHO has to say that in their daily life?...Me and Mindy that's who)


"Why are you fat?"

"Why are you white? Cuz God made me this way....that and I eat pie....but that is besides the point. Don't you wish YOU could be as fluff-o-rific as me?"

"Yes I do."

"Next time you go to Burger king, order the pie... It'll be 'aight kid."


"Beanie...Why you do you always draw hearts on my notes home?"

"Because I love you."

"Oh....I Like your hair."

"Thanks..I like your nostrils."



"What in the world is going on over here?"

"I'm Building a bridge."

"WHY do YOU get to build a bridge, when all of the other children have to sit down at the table?"

"Because I just HAVE too!"

"That's a pretty great bridge."


"Build away, I'll cover you."


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