I love Facebook. Hey I get that shit on my phone, and any spare second I have, I eagerly scroll through the updates.
I love that instant connection with friends and loved ones.
I do have my pet peeves status updates though. I shall share with you all....
"Can anyone tell me why I woke up today?"
8 hours ago
"Ugh....This day sucks."
6 hours ago
"Seriously? Work was horrible."
4 hours ago
"Ugh..Morning already? I just know it's going down hill from here."
just now
I can't stand these ones. they just MIGHT be THE douchey-est updates on the planet. I really want to reply "Good God get a rope already " But I don't... because Lord knows their next update will be:
"Ugh...the rope broke"
These ones are the bitches and assholes who constantly rub my nose in the fact that I am broke and they are not.
Yay! Im so happy that the recession does not apply to you, and I dont want to hear how your husband has to work one free day a month when he brings home 5 grand.
Fuck you.
I'm working all day, schooling at night and generally busting my ass. Plus I just used dishsoap in my laundry machine because I'm too exhausted to go to the store, and even IF I did drag my hump to the store, I doubt I could afford Gain, and I'd have to buy the Mexican shit with the seal on it.... you know.... 80 lbs for $3.00
No I do not get pissed off when EVERYONE buy's a new JetSkii...Just the ones who sit on their ass all day OR shop daily at Pier 1.
Fuck you one more time, because Im jelous that you can do that at all.
Not all attention whores mind you. Just the ones who post updates that MAKE you ask them what's wrong.
"I'm so sad, when will this end?"
8 hours ago
"Seriously?? Did that JUST happen?"
5 hours ago
"Wondering what to do now....My life feels empty without you."
23 minutes ago
Really?!!! Fuck You.
You KNOW you post that update and just WAIT for someone to ask what is wrong with you.
If you picked up the phone/sat on the computer, pulled up your facebook, sat there and thought "I am going to tell the world my business..but first they must ask...." Just fucking say it. We are busy people. And half of your friends are asking because they feel they have too.
These are the kind of people that can be in Disneyland and complain about the lines. YOU frustrate me. Dig yourself out of the perpetual funk you're in and masturbate a little.
It has been proven that a little slap and tickle (even if its by your own hand) is good for your general happiness.
"U n0 I can C U frm here."
"Dis is the place to be"
"T0day is 4 winn3rs."
Really? You spent that much time HUNTING around your keypad JUST to use a zero in the place of an O. Or Dis...DIS??? What are we all black 13 year olds now? YOU are a douchebag, and the worst part is you spell like a dumbass too. You are 30. Grow up and write like it.
These are a few of my pet peeves. However please don't get me wrong. I do not hunt for these, and quite often I delete people on my list who just can't stop. I try to ignore, but usually can't. And quite often Dawn or my sister will call each other and alk about what assholes these people are.
I however love so many updates. Like ones from Anna, who shares her crazy life and her coupon deals.
Dawn, who is just simply funny and plus my BFF and is carrying my love child.
Bobby, because I love to hear anything from him.
My cousin Brian, because he is a hunk who handles his three boys like woah. And he is funny and makes me laugh.
Michelle. Cuz she is perfect, and so is her family.
Cyn because she is crazy.
Liz and Sharon. You could post about the shape and consistency of poop and I would love it simply because it came from your fingertips.
mostly all of my friends, because I have deleted most of the douche bags. Some I have kept simply to rant about.
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