and really...whats a mom to do?
Friggen pop a few pills and haul her ass to the store that's what.
Moms don't get to get jacked up o vicodine and sleep for a week...oh nooooo.
okay..okay...I'll leave that lie there.
Now. Emma and I were perusing the isles of WINCO. I do believe we were in the cereal isle. It is Emma's turn to pick out the cereal, last time Shane picked out raisin bran...which she hates.
She is looking for the pirates of the Caribbean cereal.
She is having no luck.
She sighs, tosses her waist length hair behind her back and grabs up a box of fruity loops.
Her eyes meet mine.
"This isn't exactly what I want.." she shrugs "it'll do tho.." And with a heave she chucks the box into our overflowing basket.
I reach down and graze her bangs with my fingertips.
"It's okay baby..maybe next time." i softly say.
I smile as i take in her cowboy boots, jeans and grey short jacket.
She's a doll. Toph and I are such proud parents of our two twerps.
We get to the end of the isle. Winco is busy today. We stand still as baskets wiz past.
I feel like frogger. I lean down to say this to Emma, and as i do her face lights up and she sucks in a breath.
I raise my head so that i could see what she is seeing.
It's the Winco Midget.
I spotted him there about a month ago....maybe two.
Everyone knows that Dawn is frightened of them, and i use him for cell phone picture fodder as much as possible....
Emma sees him and her eyes alight. her cheeks turn Rosy and she inhales a breath....Lord knows what she is going to say.
I reach down and mumble her mouth with my hand. As i do i make this noise with mine "Mhhumishnobby"
She looks up at me, and gently pulls my hand from her mouth.
She is puzzled.
I can tell by her eyebrows. Her facial expression says this "What the fuccccccck are you up to now you strange woman?"
Lord knows that you can never tell with me.
She glances at the wee man again.
Once again. Her eyes alight...she inhales...I reach down again. "Mhhumishnobbyyyyy"
I pull her around the corner.
I squat down to her level.
"Emma....what were you going to say?" I am trying my best to hold in my giggle.
If you know my daughter then you are aware of her...wordings.
If you do not know Emma then i truly feel sorry for you. She is a gift.
I say "Emma Elizabeth...what were you going to say?" I say this as i bite my left cheek. HARD.
She is looking bewildered.
"Mama...was gonna say Look there..look momma...and ELF!"
I pulled her to me so fast that her head jerked back a tiny bit.
I buried my hand in her hair and my face in her neck and i laughed and laughed and laughed.
I smothered my laugh with her jacket.
I could feel her grin against my forehead.
I could feel her tiny hands pat my back.
I lift my face. My mommy meter is going off at an alarming rate.
There is a lesson to be learned here.
I stifle my laugh (okay okay i fricken TRY to stifle it)
"Emma remember when mommy told you that every person comes in different sizes?"
She nods.
"Small Tall fat..fricken bony ?"
She nods again.
She smiles.
She has a dimple in her left cheek. It charms me for a moment.
That wasn't an elf love...It was a midget."
I nod.
"Like the ones dawndee is scared of?"
My head goes back and i laugh. This laugh comes from my uterus. It is deep and long. It makes her smile and giggle at me.
I stand up. "Yes love. Like that. Only midgets are just regular people in smaller packages."
She nods. And understands. I cannot stop laughing tho. I set her up with some toys in an aisle and I frantically call dawndee. I snort my way thru it.
I hang up.
Lets go love.
And off we go to shop.
We near the end of this isle and Emma slows. She stops. she looks to the left and then to the right.
Her long hair sways.
"What in the world are you doing Em?"
She turns around and grabs the basket. She leans in and with her thumb and pointer finger she squishes down.
"I'm looking for the midget." She says with a wide smile and glowing eyes.
"I wanna squish him"
Emma is picking out yogurt. I am trying to explain to her that even tho trix yogurt and gogurts are both on sale...gogurt has two extra yogurts inside and so it is the better deal....
I know...
It bored her to near comatose too.
She is sitting on the edge of the icebox where the yogurt is kept.
She sits up straight..she sits up tall. her face alights. She smiles. A dimple pops out at me.
She turns to me.
"mooooom" she whispers. but not at all quietly.
She then hold up her left hand and with her right points to her hand. Like to her palm.
She is trying to hide her point.
I look beyond her palm.
There he is.
"heeeeeeeeeeeee" She smiles. "I like him!"
I roll my eyes.
She giggles and skips away. Only begging for 25 things by the time we reach the end of the refrigerated section........
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