Saturday, December 29, 2012

Merry Memory!

When everyone started talking about a Christmas program for this year, we all decided that we needed somewhere bigger to do it. There is no way that we can house all of the parents and guests in our classrooms.

So we put our feelers out there, and finally Juan decided that we should do it at McSwain.

We had been practicing our play and songs for weeks, I myself have read 'Chicken Soup with Rice' to my class every day since the first day of school. I KNEW that if we had a program, that I would want to perform it.


....I dunno. It was cute.

SO Mrs.O started making costumes and Brandee and I started practicing. Right away I knew Mason would be perfect for the boy. Cuz....well he is wicked cute. And that is reason enough. Plus I knew he wouldn't be shy.

I had try-outs for the Narrator part, but I knew I wanted Ava to do it. She reads the story EXACTLY as do.

After three weeks of practice every single day with 34 children,  Brandee and I were exhausted, the kids (I am quite sure) wanted to kick us, and I had my daughter and Mandy frantically making confetti sticks for the whale part.

The night of the show, it was a blur.

A Crazy hazy blur. But I do know that when the curtain closed and Brandee, Juan and I were frantically trying to remember which child goes where, I noticed movement to the left.

And there on the floor Mason lay on his knees. He spun and he spun in a circle.
Around and around and around.

It made me laugh and I stopped Juan to proclaim what a memory this was.

He looked at mason, laughed and gave me the "You are crazy look" before rushing off to help Brandee.

It WAS crazy. And lovely...and Lenas snowman nose came off, brandee practically frisbee'd the mason pot on stage, and we totally LOST all of the confetti sticks that Emma and Mandy had made.

But it was perfect, and funny, and a memory that will always stay with me.