Sunday, July 21, 2013

Grilled cheese sandwhiches and tater tots..


I see it every single day.

I hear it even more then that.

People complaining about ridiculous things in their lives.

"I just don't want this bigger car! He doesn't understand, but its ugly and I do NOT want to be seen driving it."

I smile. I nod. But I do not say a word.
If I said a word it would sound something like this: "Shut the fuck up."


Shut the FUCK up and drive the BIGGER brand new car. Be happy that you have one and stop being ridiculous.

Seriously? THAT is what you have to complain about in your life? HAVING to drive a brand new vehicle. Shut the fuck up and don't talk to me ever again. The end.

Actually, you can give ME your brand new shiny giant car and drive my borrowed tiny one. That overheats and we have to pray every single day will get us to work and back home for another week.

It's so annoying that I cannot say a word. All I can do is blink at them, bite my tongue and scream (In my head) SHUT THE FUCK UP.

I feel like we are living in a society where we can never be happy with what we are graced with. I think that if people take time from their lives and look around them, become aware of what is happening, and yes, shut the fuck up. Then in general, society on a whole, will be a lot happier.

The other day someone posted a picture of one of her plates that her child had broken. The picture contained the one broken plate next to the matching stack of 11. She was SO pissed off at her 5 year old for breaking a plate.

I suggested that she smash it up even more and make a mosaic out of it. That it could be a beautiful memory instead of the dreaded 1 out of 12 plate smash that she had going on in her head.

She fretted and worried that she did not have a matching "Set" of dishes anymore.

I offered to take the 11 matching plates off of her hands if it fucked up her ENTIRE world so much.

I got deleted off of her Facebook.
Her son was grounded.....(I always knew that children plotted against matching plates.)

I feel like the MORE people GET in their lives, the more they complain about. You would think that when people "come up" in the world they would be happy ever after.


They bitch. ALL. THE. TIME.

I am not saying that "Bitching" should be against the law. Believe me, I bitch all of the time and Brandee hears it while we walk. But our bitching always includes a solution.

Me: I'm pissed off because the Beast is being an ass.

Brandee: Validates my bitchiness

Me: Do you think I should talk to him about it?

Brandee: Validates me wanting to talk to him

Me: I feel better.

Brandee: Validates me feeling better

And Vice Versa


There is a solution to practically everything.

Someone once told me that I was a positivist. Is that a word? I dunno.
Maybe I was made with too much happy inside of me.
Maybe I have too much happy gene.

On Monday...ALL DAY I sang the "Grilled Cheese Sandwiches and tater tots song."
I sang it all day.
I was so happy.
It is my favoritest dinner in the world right now and on Monday, Mandy was making it for us.

During circle time I sang it, during naptime I hummed it. My co-teacher start singing it and dancing around the room with me shrugging our shoulders to the beat of my wicked awesome song. AND I sang it all the way home while Emma beat boxed next to me.

That night the sammiches were ESPECIALLY cheesy, crunchy and delicious.

I can tell you that practically everything in my life is not happy. It's not. Neither am I always positive. But what is posting about it on Facebook or twitter going to get me?


Ick. That is so trashy.

Posting on a social media site your woes for someone to feel sorry for you? Seriously?

Have some pride, pick up a phone and call or text your best friend. Its in the code. They have to care.

So, if you are sad, irritated, mad, frustrated, fucking pissed off or angry try one of these simple solutions:

1) have sex. It makes everything better.

2) sing... it makes ME happy.

3) Have a cup of earl grey. Its delicious

4) Laugh

5) Find a solution

OR..... when the world fucking sucks, I find something to look forward too, even if it is simply grilled cheese sandwiches and tater tots.

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