Thursday, September 23, 2010

"D" Man

D-man is two and half feet tall, and three years old.
His shoes ALWAYS match his sweater vests/designer T-shirts.....And he is INCREDIBLY cute.

The first moment I met him, I looked down and said (like I do to most newbies)
"Hey...whats up? what is your name?"
He replied, with a quirk to his mouth "D-man. I do NOT talk to ugly girls..only pretty ones."
I Laughed and looked up to one of my co-teachers "Didja hear that? No ugly chicks."
She laughed and stared down at him.

You see D-Man exudes life. He radiates energy....and knowledge of entirely too much.

"So...If you don't talk to ugly chicks what do you think of me?"
I posed for him and batted my eyelashes.

"ohhhhhh YOU got pretty eyes....pretty eyes."

"I DO huh!?" This 33 year old, gushed.

"Yeah..ya do. And I will marry YOU. Miss Kelly (our cook)...she's my girlfriend because she cooks for me. But YOU...I'll marry you pretty eyes."

"Kay." I agreed and turned to get back to work.

Later I decided to quiz my hubby to be (...In....oh 27 years or so?)
"So what do you want to do with your life D-Man? What are your goals and ambitions?"

"well...." He seemed to consider it very seriously... "I wanna be like Lil Wayne. I wanna rip my shirt off and drink alcohol." He nodded twice to assure me of his seriousness.

I thought for sure I had heard him wrong. The word "Alcohol" we do not hear in the land of learning.

"Didja say Alcohol just now?"

"Yeeeeah I did. I wanna go to clubs and drink alcohol. I wanna dance and rip my shirt off..You know, Like LIL wayne."

Uh oh....I thought. This is not good.

"How in the heck do you know about alcohol?" I just had to ask. My word ...the kid is THREE!

"well my mama be drinking alcohol! She be daaaancin and laughing with her friends."

He rode off on his three wheel trike, but i quickly pulled him back.

"I'm sorry to sadden you, but you CANNOT grow up, drink alcohol and rip your shirt off."

"Whaaaaat?!" He exclaimed. (You could tell that i wicked insulted him just then.)

"Nope." I shook my head and crossed my arms.

"WHY Pretty eyes. Why you tellin me I can't be like Lil Wayne?!?!"

"Because. You are going to grow up and be a well educated Gentleman. You will go to college, get an amazing education and get a job that pays you three figures. Then you will pay all of your mommas bills."

"I am?!!!" He shouted

"You are."

"You sure, pretty eyes?"

"Perfectly sure. I know EVERYTHING...that's why I wear this wicked awesome apron."

"Awe man!" ....and he peddled away

At the beginning of this week His mom dropped him off, she was smiling. "WHAT have you done to my baby?!"

I gave her the "I dontknowwhatthehellyourtalkingaboutcrazywoman!" ...look that we perfected at Kinder care college.

"What do you mean?" I asked quite calmly

"He wakes up EVERYDAY at 6am JUST to come to school. He hated going to his other school...He loves it here."

I smiled. We hear this a lot. We ARE an amazing group of educators you know.

"Well...who can blame him. We're amazing."

She smiled and nodded. "Yes you are."

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