Sunday, April 22, 2012

Pudles are Crack for kids ARCHIVE 2/2007

Thursday night we took the kids to see Bridge to Tarabethia...

(Don't do yourself....)

Actually the kids loved it. Especially Shane. Toph and i? We rolled our eyes and yawned the whole time. I kept thinking of popcorn and dildos....don't ask why. I can't tell you why.

That is the way my mind works.

The other day a friend of mine told me that my mind jumps around like Frogger.

Seriously. That's TRUE!!! Cept I don't really get smooshed by cars and shit.

I'm seriously worse in real life. Toph has 12 years with me so if in the middle of dinner I start a conversation with "Anyway so she said yes."

He will usually search his mind vault and figure out who she is and why she said yes. It takes him a second. But he's good. He's real good.

Back to the movie..... See? 

So were on the way to the movie theaters. This time we go to the one near our house. It literally takes us 5 minutes to get too.
It is raining so hard at times and hailing on us at others. We're running and laughing and shouting "Hurry up kids!!!!"
Emma is searching out the puddles and with her hot pink boots she is.... SPLASH SPLASH!!!!!

"Emma! Get out of that puddle!!!!" Toph warns
We run we run...we're almost there.

I see a HUGE puddle.
I snatch Shane's shirt with my fingers. "Wait...look at the puddle. Lets go around."

(Shane is past the age of puddle splashing. Sadly It is no longer a priority to him.)

This is the great thing about having two kids and two parents. Whichever kid I take, Toph snaps up the other.
Shane and I hop the small cascading river that is running in the middle of the brick lines street.
I can hear toph to my right..... "Emma.....EMMA...EMMA!!!!"

Emma....she stomps thru it. She is smiling and popping those dimples as she does.

"Would you stop stomping thru the puddles Emma Elizabeth!?" Toph sounds exasperated.

"She can't help it." I say as I watch her head for another small puddle. "Puddles are crack for kids...That's like asking a crackhead not to smoke-toke it up."

Toph smiles and we both look at Emma.

I could have stopped her. I am mostly the disciplinarian in this family. Daddies fun and Mommy's the boss. *insert eye roll*

I didn't stop her. How long will she splash through puddles with such abandon and dimple pops? How long before she is worrying about her shoes?

Not long.

So I watch her hop the puddles. We watch her splash.