Monday, January 17, 2011

Franks and Beans...Things they don't tell you.

Today, January 17th. 12:20 pm

Dawn giggles as she smokes her cigarette. We are huddled in my car on our lunch break.

"I'm ganna ask people if that happens to I will."

Dawn laughs again, which, is sorta like a high pitched giggle. "Beanie, I'm pretty sure NO body in the ENTIRE world has stared at their sons penis and screamed "Franks and beans...FRANKS AND BEANS!"

She laughs again, and so do I.

"No?....You don't think so?"

"NO Beanie. You're not normal." she giggles and I wonder. About all of the things people don't EVER tell you when they place your newborn child in your arms.

Let's backtrack a bit...

My son is 15 and a half. He has absolutely no shame in his body. Every night he takes a shower, walks down the hall, butt ass nekkid, and tells me "I love you, G'night Ma."

Some nights he will remind me that his gym clothes need washing....Or he needs school supplies...what have you.

If Emma is about, he will hide behind the door. It never really bothered me.

That is, until I noticed my sweet baby boy ( 6 ft tall or not) has the penis of a man.

I was shocked....and I did the only think I could. I pointed....and I screamed "Franks and beans....FRANKS AND BEANS!"


You would think this would shock my child, but no. He rolled his eyes and said "Anyway Ma, don't forget my friends are coming over okay? Love you G'night."

People never told me this. And so I say to YOU. One day you will discover that your child has the junk of a man, and you will be prepared.

You're welcome.

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